Syzygy the NightWing

Hello there. I like Wings of Fire and Russian literature (Dostoevsky in particular) too much.
(Please talk to me about Crime and Punishment...)

Artist, animator, musician, writer, bookworm
Since I get this question asked a lot, here is how you pronounce Syzygy.
(and yes, it's a real word; here's the Wikipedia page for it as well)

Discord: syzygythenightwing
(formerly: Syzygy the NightWing#2019)
Email: [email protected]Discord server:



Contact Syzygy

If you want to get in touch with me, I'd suggest using Discord (preferred the most), Instagram, or email to talk.The links to my profiles on various platforms can be found on the home page.
The button below for my email only works on certain devices (e.g. Windows computers).
Bear in mind that I may not respond immediately, and it would be best not to repeatedly send things! I will see your messages in due time, and in the meanwhile, it would be great if you could be patient ^^


(Unfortunately, I do not have a bank account yet, much less a Paypal or Venmo, so sorry to those of you who cannot pay me -_-)
If you're interested in commissioning me, please message me at one of the links I listed on my contact page! (Discord is preferred.)I currently do not have a commission prices sheet/chart nor a Terms of Service, but I will start work on them once I have had enough experience doing commissions and have a few art examples.To see my commission/art status, feel free to head over to my Trello board!
Update 6/16/2022: My Trello board is currently inactive- if you want to check my status, please message me on Discord! Thanks!

About Syzygy

(Last Updated: October 18, 2023)

Hi there! I see you have stumbled across my Carrd—welcome!I am a primarily self-taught artist hailing from the United States and do both traditional and digital art of dragons, birds, and other creatures, although I'm currently branching out to other subjects, like backgrounds… and humans. I also like playing music on flute and piano, writing stories, and reading. Yes, I am a band kid.I began drawing ever since I could hold a pencil properly. However, I didn't start taking art seriously until around 2020, which also happened to be around the time I started digital art and some rudimentary animation.I am currently a senior in high school! (And by extension, dying from college applications, but we don’t talk about that.) I’m eyeing computer science as a career path—planning to major in that—and getting a minor in Russian literature or Slavic studies or something similar, if the university I ultimately attend has a decent department for that ^^I should probably explain that Russian literature minor. Although the story of how I grew to be interested in Russian culture and literature is a long one—I’m even thinking about writing a memoir on it—the only thing you need to know really is that after I read Crime and Punishment in June in anticipation of the AP English Literature course I would take the following year, I grew GLUED to Dostoevsky’s novels. As a bonus, it also perked me up for other Russian authors—Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Pushkin, Turgenev, Pasternak, and many, many others. (You are ALWAYS welcome to message me about Ruslit! I’d be more than happy to discuss :D)I also learn languages on the side! My current list is Russian, followed by German and then French, but I’m open to others as well. History fascinates me as well, but more of modern world history.Apologies for the long bio—I have a tendency to overshare, but I think that’s quite enough now, ha.✧ ✦ ✧P.S.— You’re always welcome shoot me a message! I have a Discord server as well, if you're interested...